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Independence Day - Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras

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Independence Day - Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras
By Bob and Lynne Millsaps
Sep 11, 2007, 09:05

Parades, Marching Bands, Dancing, Cheerleaders, Carnivals, and the Famous West End Fishing Tournament are Held to Celebrate Independence Day in Roatan. Roatan is the only Honduran community that starts celebrating one week ahead with a different city leading the festivities every night through the 15th of September. Read how the Sundancer-Sandy Bay Community kicked off the celebrations this year!


Roatan, Sundancer - Sandy Bay Independence Day Carnival


The festivities begin with decorating cars and parading the Carnival Queen, Princess, and area sponsored Royalty through Sandy Bay, Flowers Bay, and Coxen Hole. The kids throw candy and string beads from the car to families along the road. Watch out for flying candy! Everyone has a great time! Cars were honking, Princesses were waving, kids were screaming, and great big smiles were on every face!

Ready for the Carnival

The day started with fixing hair and dressing up!


Carnival Royalty


Carnival Queen

Miss Erkie


Carnival Princess

Miss Mary


Head of Beach

Miss Shatie


Blue Parrot

Miss Sherie


Carambola Garden

Miss Trudie


Anthony's Key

Miss Darbie


Bay Island Beach

Miss Beards


Sandy Bay

Miss Leaie


Beautiful, poised, and ready for fun!


Cute and ready with candy!


The Queen and Princess


Ready to roll...


Honduras colors of blue and white!


Decorations and Candy Buckets ready.


Good food, good friends, served up Island Style! Grilled Chicken, Pork, Rice and Beans, Potato Salad, Drinks, and Chips for over 100 people are just a part of the evening. There is a live band for dancing too!


What was traditionally The May Pole for the English has become the Platt Pole for the Hondurans. They have their own dance step strategy to go along with it.


This does take some skill so they start with adults and then work down in age until even the little ones learn the game.


They weave the pole and then unweave it. There is a platt leader that oversees the technique so the platt or weave is evenly done. There is lots of laughing and giggling during the event!


see May Day Plat Pole Video...


Teens and adults dance the night away!


by: Lynne and Bob Millsaps - We write & photograph the Caribbean Island Roatan



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itsislandtime > Roatán > Independence Day - Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras